A baby shower is a perfect event for a specialty catering business. Retirement parties can be a personal party or a corporate event. A truck is customized to turn it into a kitchen, where food is prepared, depending on the order. Catering with food trucks is more suitable for social gatherings with a smaller number of guests, who meet in the field or on the street.
They mainly serve fast food and drinks. They're fast, so they save time. Food trucks are also cheap, as they don't involve a lot of caterers. They also save on the budget, as the chances of food waste are minimal.
For home catering in your office, the provider prepares food in a location away from the office, packages it in disposable containers, and delivers it to your office for you. The customer who orders the food usually orders online, by phone or through a mobile application, and pays for the catering once the food has been delivered. Meeting lunches are one of the most common reasons for using home catering at the office. There's no reason to exclude anyone for following a vegan or gluten-free diet, for example, when there are so many tasty options available to everyone in your group.
An example of a food production facility is an independent police station, which is a kitchen facility used exclusively for the preparation of food to be served elsewhere.